Monday, April 21, 2014

New Arrivals!

Signs of Spring!

I hope everyone is enjoying a little break from school!  In our classroom, Spring is in the air and exciting things are happening! I stopped by today and heard lots of chirping in our incubator! There will be a lot of excitement on Tuesday when we return!

If you look closely at the crack, you can even see his little beak!  The egg at the very top of the picture has a little crack, too!

Look at the changes to our caterpillars! They are not as noisy...but they are equally as fascinating!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Shadow Play!

We just wrapped up a unit on Space in Science.  We were learning about the Sun's relationship with the Earth and how the Sun seems to move in the sky throughout the day. What better way to demonstrate this concept than to watch our shadows??? We went outside in the morning, at noon, and in the late afternoon to trace our shadows.  We discovered a lot about how they change! 

We had to wait patiently for a sunny day to do this exploration and finally got it this week! It was well worth the wait.  I have to admit that these are some of my favorite pictures.  I hope you enjoy them too!

Click on this link to view: Shadow Play!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

They're Coming!

What are students buzzing about this week? It is the arrival of chick eggs to our classroom! The class used their inferring or predicting skills to read clues and make smart guesses about our newest adventure! We learned that sometimes when we get new information our inferences might change!